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Best Tea for Bloating and Digestive Health

Best Tea for Bloating and Digestive Health

Bloating is one of many digestive disorders, not necessarily a symptom of any disease. But that doesn't make it any less discomforting than it already is. Research shows that 15% of the world's population suffers from irritable bowel syndrome, food intolerances, and allergies, all of which have bloating as a common symptom. Common culprits of bloating include artificial sweeteners, foods high in fiber, FODMAPS (fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols), and cruciferous vegetables.

Having an inflated stomach is not the only thing associated with bloating; there's also the pain you'd experience and the non-stop irritation. Sometimes, bloating takes a long while to ease, and instead of waiting that long, you might want to consider brisk walking and drinking lukewarm water. But even those do not always beat bloating. 

Herbal teas, for a long time, have been used to treat several conditions like allergies, insomnia, painful periods, and colds. But some of them are highly effective when it comes to bloating and gas and other digestive issues. 

Causes of Bloating

best tea for bloating

Other common culprits of bloating are outlined below. 

  • Irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, and stomach ulcers.

  • Habits such as eating too fast, not chewing properly, excessive consumption of refined sugars, and smoking. 

  • Hormonal imbalances due to pregnancy, premenstrual symptoms, menopause, or thyroid imbalances. 

  • Hormonal imbalance. The nervous system primarily controls the digestive system, and when stress, anxiety, or depression occurs, the stress hormones are released, causing bloating.  Also, since it contains several nerve endings, it is easily triggered by negative emotional states, leading to digestive issues. 

In the next part of this article, we will look at some of the teas we recommend for bloating. 

12 Natural Herbs that Help Relieve Bloating 

tea for bloating

The following are the best teas to help reduce bloating and promote healthy living. 

Chamomile Tea

Known for its many benefits, chamomile tea relieves bloating and gas, helps with digestive symptoms, and has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects that lower stomach acidity. 

Chamomile tea is also a natural relaxant that improves rest and sleep, eliminates stress and anxiety symptoms, and helps you unwind. Chamomile tea also tastes great when mixed with peppermint, but this should be only if you find the taste of chamomile tea a bit bland. 


Lemongrass has been used over the years as a healing herb and herbal tea primarily because it helps with conditions like digestion, stress and anxiety issues, infection and pain, and heart diseases. 

Lemongrass contains vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and antimicrobial properties that lower inflammation in the body. Along with this, lemongrass is rich in vitamins and minerals.

In the case of bloating and digestive issues, lemongrass acts as a natural diuretic that eases nausea, constipation and bloating and soothes your stomach during cramping.  

Peppermint Tea

Wouldn't it be such a great idea if peppermint tea became a part of the first-aid box because of its many health benefits? As one of the most famous herbal teas, peppermint tea has an antispasmodic effect that relieves bloating caused by cramping. 

Peppermint tea, as well as peppermint oil, contains menthol that's excellent for irritable bowel syndrome IBS, curbing bad breath, and relieving pains in your gut. However, avoid taking peppermint tea if you often experience acid reflux. 

Fennel Tea

Fennel tea is not as popular as peppermint or chamomile, but it can quickly become a favorite for times when you're feeling bloated. One reason is that fennel seeds have a high level of anethole, a compound that helps the body fight inflammation. 

Fennel seeds are also rich in fiber, and by drinking a cup of fennel tea, you'd promote your bowel movements. 

Ginger Tea

To start with, it's important you note that ginger tea, with its spicy flavor, is not recommended by wellness professionals for people with stomach ulcers. 

But besides that, ginger contains enzymes that promote the breaking down of fluids and foods in the digestive system. More research also shows that ginger increases stomach emptying too. 

Ginger tea is excellent for a bloated stomach. More research shows that taking 1-1.6 grams of ginger capsules daily will relieve bloating nausea, reduce intestinal cramping in your intestinal wall, support digestion, and soothe an unruly stomach. 

Wormwood Tea

Although it is a green herb that makes bitter tea, drinking wormwood tea also helps curb bloating. However, because its bitter taste is acquired, you can make it tastier with lemon juice and honey. 

Wormwood makes a tremendous digestive bitter - supplements made from bitter herbs and spices to aid digestion - because of its bitter taste. 

Research on humans shows that wormwood capsules relieve indigestion in your upper abdomen and release digestive juices that aid bloating. 


Licorice has a long history of health benefits that dates back to ancient Egypt. In traditional Chinese medicine, licorice is an excellent salve for digestive issues, including stomach ulcers, inflammation, and gas. Because it contains flavonoids, licorice is rich in anti-inflammatory properties and other compounds known as triterpenes. 

Triterpenes have antiviral functions if bloating occurs as a result of food poisoning. Similarly, licorice also has a mild diuretic effect and helps relieve bloating caused by water retention. 

Lemon Balm

You can stop bloating by drinking lemon tea. Similar in taste to licorice, lemon balm contains triterpenes and antioxidants, which ease digestive discomfort and contributes to its refreshing flavor. As part of the mint family, lemon balm has a light and citrusy flavor that's common among herbs of the same class.

The European Medicines Agency agrees that lemon balm relieves bloating and gas and slows digestion in your digestive system. 


Unlike other herbal tea leaves, matcha is a powder tea made from green tea. It has a deep green color, an earthy flavor, and contains caffeine, but not as much as black tea. Matcha has many benefits, including increasing metabolism, fighting cancer, and enhancing weight loss. Matcha also supports the health of your gi tract by reducing bloating and gas and promoting better food absorption for an upset stomach. 

Matcha is also prepared differently from your other herbal teas, and all you need to do is to add two spoonfuls of matcha powder to your mug and mix with boiling water. Stir the mixture properly to prevent lumps from forming. You can add milk to your matcha or a small dose of sweetener. What better way to beat bloating blues? 


Besides its obvious beauty, hibiscus is resourceful in balancing aldosterone - the hormone that helps the kidney process water and salts and keeps your electrolytes in order. In other words, because your body retains a lot of water when you're bloated, taking hibiscus tea would be a great idea.

Hibiscus contains vitamin C and other antioxidants that strengthen your gut and limit the effects of E.coli, the bacteria that enhance gas and bloating. 


For several years, turmeric, a yellow spice with a bitter flavor, has been used as Ayurvedic medicine to treat bloating and gas. Turmeric root contains curcumin, a compound that eases the breaking down of food in your gallbladder. 

Turmeric has impressive anti-inflammatory and gas-easing properties for abdominal pain, which makes it a popular herb in traditional medicine. More research on turmeric shows that its compound, curcumin, stays in the digestive system for at least 30 minutes and has a healing effect on people with colitis. 

You can take turmeric alone or mix it with other spices like star anise, cloves, or cardamom. 

Gentian Root

The Gentian root is derived from the Gentiana lutea plant, which has thick roots and yellow flowers. Although it tastes sweet at first sip, it often has a bitter follow-up taste, and as such, people tend to mix the herb with either chamomile tea or honey. 

Gentian root is often used to make herbal teas and medicinal products to eliminate gas and bloating. Similarly, gentian root extract is also used for digestive bitters because it contains bitter compounds like flavonoids and iridoids that help release bile and digestive juices. 

However, more research is needed because the tea hasn't been tested in humans and is not advised for people with ulcers because it increases acidity levels. 

Best Herbal Tea For Bloating 

best tea for bloating

The best herbal tea for bloating is our tummy tea, which contains chamomile, peppermint, fennel seeds, and lemongrass. Famous for its anti-bloating effects, tummy tea supports your digestive system, soothes stomach discomfort, and eases bloating, which helps support your daily digestion.

To enjoy a cup of tummy tea, boil 1 to 2 cups of water, and brew 2 teaspoons of the tea for 5 minutes before drinking. 

However, we suggest you seek professional advice from your healthcare provider before drinking herbal teas, especially if you are on other medications or have a health condition. 

Final Thoughts

Bloating takes all the fun out of feeling comfortable, leaving you in a cranky mood for as long as it lasts. But who says you need to wait till to relieve bloating before you do your tasks? Taking Drink Symbi's tummy tea is a surefire way of eliminating bloating in as few minutes as possible. And apart from the relief you get, the tea also eases stress because of its chamomile content. 

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