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The Benefits and Ingredients of Anxiety Tea

The Benefits and Ingredients of Anxiety Tea

Did you know that herbal tea can be great for naturally aiding anxiety and stress?

A lot of people experience chronic stress and anxiety. Nervousness, agitation, tension, a racing heart, and chest pain are some of the symptoms that you may face on a day-to-day basis. And while these symptoms can be debilitating, there are some herbs that specifically help balance these feelings out.

The fact of the matter is, anxiety is among one of the most common mental health issues. More than 18 percent of adults are affected by anxiety disorders each year in the US alone. Though there are many medications to treat these anxiety conditions, more and more people are seeking out natural solutions to these conditions.

More often than ever, natural alternatives are suggested by qualified healthcare professionals to those with anxiety. In place of the usual pharmaceuticals, possible remedies like lemongrass tea pose a milder therapeutic and long-term effect; one commonly safer at that.

Whether inherited, acquired, or a mix - for those who have anxiety - it’s a powerful thought that natural solutions like green tea matcha, rose petals, and herbal tea with lavender may offer research-backed relief, especially during a period when there is an increase of conditions like social anxiety. 

Ingredients in Anxiety Tea

anxiety tea

There are dozens of plants that can be helpful in treating anxiety naturally. In this article, we are going to share the top ingredients that we use in one of our herbal tea options, Anxi-Tea, along with two more - green tea and lavender!

Valerian Root to Relieve Anxiety

To assist relieve anxiety and used as a sleep aid in traditional medicine, Valerian is an herb that has been used for many centuries. Reducing menstrual and abdominal (stomach) cramps is what it does primarily according to beliefs. It is derived from the root of the valerian plant. More than 200 different species of this plant can be found in parts of North America, Europe, and Asia.

Usually, over the counter, Valerian is available as a dietary supplement. It could be as an extract in powder or liquid form, as a dried herb in tea form, or as capsules. The intake of this plant just before bedtime is believed to help in sleeping and prevent insomnia. It may be used in combination with other plants, such as passionflower, lemon balm, and kava.

Based on research, this works in the effect of the subtle increase in the levels of a chemical known as gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain. GABA contributes to a soothing effect in the body and has a function in the sleep-wake cycle. Numerous medications used to treat anxiety also work by increasing GABA levels in the brain. But, the rise in GABA levels would be much more developed with prescription medication compared to valerian root.

We include just a small dose of this root in our herbal tea, so not enough to put you to sleep, but enough to have calming effects. This is a great option to give a try!

Lemon Balm

As its name suggests, lemon balm—which belongs to the mint family—has a somewhat tartness to its taste. Not only in foods and drinks, but it’s also a popular addition in aromatherapy and beauty products. Aside from tasting and smelling good, this plant has many various effects and has since been used for its calming, stress-relieving properties many years back.

This powerful plant has been linked to reduced feelings of stress and anxiety in some small studies. In a pilot study, researchers believe that the herb makes the neurotransmitter gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) more readily accessible in the brain. For context, GABA helps control your body's stress response. However, it should be noted that too much consumption of lemon balm, exceeding 0.6 grams, can lead to feeling extra anxious. According to the study, the right dose for anxiety treatment seems to be 0.3 grams.

Likewise, though the exact science behind why is still unknown, evidence shows that lemon balm can help lessen depression. One study states that this plant significantly reduced depressive-like behavior but the type of related neurotransmitter could not be determined. Not to mention, the dried leaves provide the tea with the perfect natural flavor.


It is believed by many that lemongrass tea has many health benefits. Primarily used in cooking and herbal medicine, Lemongrass is a tropical, grassy plant. Lemongrass oil, extracted from the leaves and stalks of the lemongrass plant, has a strong, citrus scent. It’s commonly found in soaps and many more personal care products.

When extracted, lemongrass is used by healthcare providers to treat digestive problems and high blood pressure. Alongside many other health benefits, too. Lemongrass tea is a well-known tool to help relieve stress, anxiety, and depression. That is why we include it in a few of our tea options.


Often used for its medicinal purposes, chamomile is essentially a very well-known herb. There are two different types of chamomile plants: German chamomile and English chamomile. Though, German chamomile is the one that’s most generally used medicinally. For hundreds of years, if not more, this herb has been used therapeutically. Its most common uses are to help people calm down, treat skin conditions, relieve stomach issues, and help with inflammation.

Chamomile tea has been also used to treat anxiety. Chamomile is an effective herb that helps with relaxation and also helping with anxiety, depression, and insomnia as studies have shown. Though it’s not going to have as strong of an effect on a person’s anxiety as a pharmaceutical drug since it’s an herb but chamomile has still proved to have meaningful benefits. Another study has proven that chamomile when used in the long term, it significantly decreases moderate-to-severe symptoms of one of the most common anxiety disorders which is a generalized anxiety disorder.

Ashwagandha May Help Anxiety

Also known by its botanical name Withania somnifera, Ashwagandha is a small woody plant with yellow flowers local to North Africa and India.

With an adaptogen classification, it’s believed to assist your body to better stress management. For over 3,000 years, this plant has been used as a natural Ayurvedic remedy against numerous ailments, specifically its root. Modern science has also linked it to many health benefits, like reduced stress and anxiety, and improved blood sugar levels, mood, and memory.

Best known for its stress-lowering effects, Ashwagandha appears to help lower levels of cortisol, a hormone produced by your adrenal glands when it comes to stress. More specifically, according to experts, everyday intake of 125 mg to 5 grams for 1–3 months has shown to decrease cortisol levels by 11–32%.

On top of that, to reduce anxiety and lower the probability of insomnia in people with stress and anxiety disorders, 500–600 mg of Ashwagandha per day for 6–12 weeks should be consumed. We include ashwagandha in our sleep tea, as it helps facilitate


Boasting a dense nutrient profile, Oatstraw is packed with things like zinc, manganese, and iron. For your brain and emotional health, it’s also proven to have several health benefits while also helping to defend against diseases related to chronic inflammation.

Traditionally been used to treat depression, Oatstraw may also boost your mood. Also helping alleviate feelings of stress and anxiety as recent studies suggest. Results from a conducted research showed that intake of oat straw inhibited an enzyme that’s found in immune cells called phosphodiesterase type 4 (PDE4). The inhibition of this enzyme has been connected to reductions in stress, nervousness, and depression. Much more research also shows that consumption of oat straw decreases levels of proinflammatory cytokines. These are the molecules that have been related to depression and other mental health conditions.

This is one of the key ingredients we use in a few of our blends because of its potent properties and effects on the body.

Green Tea for Anxiety

A frontrunner used as a natural anxiety-relief with its many health properties is matcha, also known as green tea. Specifically, its effects extend to help treat the conditions comorbid to anxiety-like OCD, depression, ADHD, etc.

Most of its health effects are due to the key compounds found in matcha tea like EGCG and L-theanine. Though, researchers accept as true that the collective properties of all health compounds and many nutrients found in matcha green tea may embody a more comprehensive effect, working for mental health and overall welfare.

Native in Japan, the best kind of green tea has high levels of brain-helping aminos and strong antioxidants which have a physically relaxing effect on the body that helps in treating general nervousness. Also, it provides a calming effect primarily due to the synergy of L-theanine and caffeine. L-theanine is an amino acid that specifically helps to relax and soothe your mind, body, and soul.

As anxiety can have both physical and/or mental causes, this is great news for matcha lovers.   

Lavender for Anxiety Tea

One of the more beautiful calming plants is lavender. This flower is not only known for its beautiful color but its powerful aroma and flavor. Not only does lavender help with anxiety, but studies have shown that it can also help with disturbed sleep, general nervousness, and even depression.

This is a great addition to a tea, a tincture, or even a bath. There are many teas that include lavender as a supporting ingredient, but it also works well on its own.

Common Questions About Herbal Teas for Stress and Anxiety

anxiety tea

We get a lot of questions about our teas and the Anxi-Tea in particular. We wanted to answer a few here to help better introduce you to one of our favorites.

What tea is good for anxiety? Is chamomile tea good for anxiety?

There are many different herbal teas that promote stress relief and may help put your body into a relaxing state. In our blend, we use a variety of dried plants including chamomile, valerian root, ashwagandha, lemon balm, lemongrass, oat straw, and peppermint leaf. There are dozens of others that are also good for calming nerves, like peppermint, passionflower, and rose, but we've found this particular blend of herbs to be quite potent and soothing.

What is the best drink for anxiety?

While there are dozens of plants that can help you naturally decrease anxiety, our favorite is (obviously no bias) our Anxi-Tea. We use chamomile, valerian root, ashwagandha, lemon balm, lemongrass, oat straw, and peppermint leaf. These combined provide you with natural stress relief effects that may help calm down your nervous system.

Is herbal tea bad for anxiety?

It depends on what kind of tea! Our Anxi-Tea is specifically formulated to help decrease anxiety, while some other teas like black tea, may do the opposite. There is a time and place for each herb, which is why it's important to always know what you are consuming.

Are You Ready to Give our Anxi-Tea a Try?

Formulated in 2018 for our founder's own struggles with anxiety, this blend has since then helped dozens of Lindsay's friends with their nerves as well. Made with key herbs and tested time-and-time again for flavor, this warm cup of tea will not only help decrease your stress levels but also promote a general feeling of calmness and peace.

Many herbal teas are inherently calming teas and have long been used for that exact purpose. Whether you are using chamomile tea, or lavender tea, these plants may help reduce stress levels, increase sleep, and even include anti-inflammatory properties.

If you're trying to reduce stress, calm your nervous system, and naturally activate the GABA receptors in your brain, then trying out an herbal tea may be a good idea. We have a biased opinion (😉) but we believe our Anxi-Tea provides you with the best herbal cup of tea to soothe and relax your mind.

Are you ready to give one of our teas a try?

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